Friday, December 17, 2010

I can "finish" a city in a day

Song for the post:

So the journey begins:
After a change in flights and getting to spend some time in Toronto we fly out to Paris(please watch how to train your dragon if you havent). I am over taken by the way people dress here. Its messy chic. Everything just looks so simple but eloquent. Every girl's hair looks like its unkempt but at the same time stylish. Only the French can do this. We took the RER B to Paris I saw a graffiti that caught my eye.
I see it say RoRo, so I run to take a picture. Thinking how funny it is that Roshan's nickname is graffitied. As we ride RER B even further I swear there were 6 or 7 more "RORO" graffities. Must be a cool thing in France. I don't follow.

Before arriving Seppy says that we can spend the night at his uncles because his uncle is in Italy. So we plan to meet up at Charles Michels metrostop. In order to contact him I have to go into McDonald's to get wifi on my phone. I  currently been addicted to wifi and sometimes walk randomly just to get a little wifi in my phone because that is the only way I can get in touch with people here. When I see him this surreal feeling comes that I am in Paris visiting Sepanta. He runs up and take a picture, so i do the same.

First thing he tells me is that hes never seen me this dressed up. I knew I would fit into France. From his enthusiasm I knew that Seppy was going to be a great host. If you dont know Seppy I highly recommend you check out his blog (at least white I am here). I already have more followers than him and I am going to try to have more page views than him by the time I leave (add to my goals. YES I AM A BLOG WHORE. I've already got hated on so many people (sepanta, roshan, and beeta, (check out their blogs if you can. they each bring something unique to the table) and shireen millicants (<-she is just a natural hater) have given me shit about it). So people please keep pressing refresh on my blog cause I am trying to have more views that Sepanta..

Seppy takes us to a cafe kind of thing (honestly Seppy hasn't gone further than like 2 block and had no idea where he was). PICTURE OF FOOD BELOW

And a hipster version for arya
As were about to pay, Seppy informs us that he forgot to bring money.... so I pay for him. What a great host.
The rest of the day turns out to be pretty. We get back and I am trying to call some people and my sister is passed out. Look at how peaceful she is.

The rest of the day turns out to be uneventful(in the sense that there are no real stories). I had promised myself that I wouldn't take pictures of toursity locations, because it would be so hipster to goto Paris and not even see lets say the Eiffel tower. BUTTTT I will say I was super impressed by the architecture and the building that Paris has. It was beautiful. Places we saw were Arc de Triumph

 Louve (will do this tomorrow but haven't got all the way to it just yet).

Notre Dame

SOOOOO I forgot to take a picture but thats basically how it looks.

Finally the Eiffel tower. I will say I was most impressed with Eiffel tower. I mean I thought it would be super touristy but it was super nice. But I promised myself I will not put any pictures of the Eiffel tower so you get THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the only picture of the Eiffel tower you will get on this blog.

Second song:

Back to the story:
Now you might be wondering why are the no pictures of Sepanta? I thought he was a great host.... wellll WRONG. The whole time I was there he was writing a paper (this is actually a trend that continues). So its about 1 AM and we are heading to Sepanta's place. Remember when I said that we didn't have a phone and we had to connect using wifi off my HTC EVO 4G with extended battery (<-shout out to reza. battery life is so good. i get like 2 days).

As we get to the apartment and ring the call box, we don't get a response. Naz and I are sitting there freaking out about what we were going to do. Were walking around, find a pay phone, realize that I don't have Seps number. We walk back and I am like why the hell not. Let me try this one more time. So I ring and THEN Seppy anwers. IT WAS A MIRACLE (it might not be that dramatic, but imagine yourself being homeless in a country you have been in for less than 24 hours.

Seppy comes down and we hug each other. I mean I know why I am happy to see him, but why is he so excited to see me? This is where Seps story begins about howwwwww he was trying to figure out of the call box worked (cause hes never tried it). He has the brilliant idea that, hes going to turn on the mic on his laptop. Go downstairs and call the call box. Come back up, and see if he hears anything in the computers recording. Hes so smart. So he goes down and calls the call box.... and as he is going to go back into the building, he figures out that he forgot the key in the apartment and is locked out. He starts telling the story about how he had to go through this underground tunnel (its pitch black mind you. you can only see the place because of the flash on camera.

to talk to the random super to give him keys. While my sister and I are freezing outside (really the weather is a lot better than i thought) our hero is locked out of the apartment. But like everything else it got fixed so we joked about it and moved on.

If you care to know where we went during the first day, here is a map.

I would like to point out that most of the trip was walking and it took about 7 hours to do the whole thing.

Impressions of Paris

  • If you know anything about New York this is a good blog that highlights the differences (its all pictures) between NYC and Paris
  • If you want to think of Paris(i will get shit for this but its like DC but a lot nicer. The people both dress very plain but nice. Hair cuts are very uniform and you don't see anything out of the ordinary. All of the building are short so it lends it self to a certain architectural sense. They both have similar metros. After I say all this, I will say that Paris beats DC in every aspect of the above categories making Paris a nice nicer city.
  • There is something about Paris girls. First of all they all dress very nice. Nice as in its classy and well put together. They all look very quite and cold though but once in a while you see them smile a bit and you fall in love.
  • I keep talking about how well people dress. The most shocking part is that kids don't wear childs clothing. They basically wear what grown ups wear, but shrunk down to their bodies. So weird. If I have time I want to analyze how French people dress.
Whats next?
I am working on the next post. If I get it done I will publish it. Its been hard to find time to write but I promise i will. Thank you for all my friends who have tried to reach out to me. Big shout out to Naseem, Mana, Dan, Ahmad, and Petko. Although Mana has hated on me a lot, she kinda means well?

In the next post you shall see the acting talents of one mister Sepanta Mohseni.

Sorry for the weak post. I will have better adventures later/ will make up more stuff.


  1. Read. Take that, Reza & Sepanta.

  2. Sorry you get out of school 6 days before me. Read. love the parentheses in parentheses. your phone must have been on 10% brightness at most :)

  3. only reason i didn't comment was because i'm boycotting his blog. in fact, i'm disappointed you guys haven't been. the only reason i'm here is to tell everyone to never ever return to this blog.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I read as well. Your shout-out to me was hating....and you say I hate a lot. Question mark at the end of "means well"?!?!

    LOVE YOU. ahaha
