Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Eve of my 25th birthday

Twenty five. Such a mathematically trivial number. There is no beauty in the number twenty five. Just another number like eighteen or thirty four, but some how it represents so much when its tagged along with someones ages. There is nothing special that happens when you turn twenty five. You don't get your first car, you don't get to "break" any more rules. You don't even get a birthday cake anymore. But somehow the twenty fifth birthday holds a lot of weight. I dare say, it might be the prelude to adulthood. For the first time, the pessimistic aura that is associated with growing older is materialized. Having lived through a quarter of your life*. As if death is quickly creeping up. I've always thought this was the secret to growing up, and the death of your youth. The simple realization that there is a promise of death waiting for all of us.

This realization means the world to the enlightened. No longer do we have the luxury of waiting. We can't sample every experience and then if we still haven't found the right flavor, we can still keep seeking. Life becomes less about waiting and more about action. Less about hoping for something and more about pursuit.

A quarter of your life has been lived. Such a simple but powerful statement. I won't sit here and say that I have fully understood this. I hope I will soon. I still won't talk to a girl because of my insecurities. I won't fight for something that I desire to have. I won't utilize my time, to get what I want... or better yet, simply make up my mind about what I want.

Now what does this all mean? How will I live my life? I hope I become more judicious and selfish with my time. I care less about what could happen and rejection. I hope I appreciate my friends and family more. I suck the life out of every second. I don't do something that I don't have a passion for. That when I look back after having lived "half" of my life, I know that I shouldn't be afraid of the future because I have a past that I have been proud of to call wholly mine and a bright future that will do myself justice. I will ward off the pessimism that comes with another notch being added to your body and see the glass as half empty but rather waiting to be filled.

*its quarter of a century and not life, but damn it, I will live to 100