Saturday, July 21, 2012


A dreaded journey through the darkness. A subtle glance back upon the steps behind him. The Thoughtful moving east in search of warmth. Months pass on his journey until he sees another desolate soul. A wise woman. Subtle wrinkles signifying her passionate life. Crooked smile signifying her misguided charm.
"What is your purpose?" - her smile turning
"To find warmth." - a definitive answer
"I can offer companionship in the desert.I have snakes to keep you company"
"Why would I want a companion? This is my own journey."
"You seek warmth. Such things are best found with a whole heart."
"I understand"
She offers a large snake. Jet black with glowing eyes. Frightening yet soothing. Subtle wrinkles signifying her passionate life. Battle wounds from past failures mark its body. The Thoughtful is intrigued, but then sees another snake upon the enchantresses cloak. A baby snake. No wounds. No wrinkles. Pure. Tessellation of triangles over its body. Exuding a level of comfort.
"I want that one."
"I would advise against that."
"It's what my heart desires."
"I would not judge a man's heart. In time you might learn the lesson, but I hope that day never comes." Moving her hand on his shoulder. The snake sailing onto his shoulder as if it belong there.

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