Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fun v Funny

We know when activity is fun and when a situation is funny. Now what happens when we try to categorize people based on if they are fun or funny? Wellllllll LETS SEE

- Down to hang out and do anything
- Enjoys the moment
- Enjoys the situation no matter how shitty
- Thinks of how to make the situation funner(real word)
- Thinks of new fun things to do, doesn't like routine
- Slightly sheytoon (this is devilish in Farsi, but the Farsi word really captures the meaning)

Being funny is a lot harder to categorize. You should know if someone is funny or not. In my mind, the more complex the joke and thought structure, the funnier that person is. The most important part is that just because people laugh at you, it doesn't mean that you are actually funny... you have to make people laugh and not at your own expense.

This is pretty simple but what happens when you have a combination of the two categories? Who in your life is fun but not funny? Who is neither? Think about it... EVERYONE CAN BE CATEGORIZED.

If you are neither, then I am sorry for you. Naturally people will take on one role to be able to survive our social structure and be accepted. Those who overcome the barriers of just being one will rise and be fun and funny. Sometimes though, a funny person may choose to not be fun. It all depends on each pereson's comfort level.

Now what to do with your friends once you have categorized them? Well if we adapt the famous BCG matrix to this argument the answer is simple

Kill the not fun+not funny friends. Simple as that.

1 comment:

  1. 37% of the world is neither. i really like the percentage breakdown you came up with
